Tuesday, November 30, 2010

8 Stood in the Way

Eight GOP senators voted against the 2-year earmark moratorium.  They are:
  1. James Inhofe (OK)
  2. Bob Bennet (UT)
  3. Susan Collins (ME)
  4. Thad Cochran (MS)
  5. Richard Shelby (AL)
  6. Lisa Murkowski (AK)
  7. George Voinovich (OH)
  8. Dick Lugar (IN)
With their votes, the resolution failed 56-39.

I hate earmarks. I hate them because they are a backdoor currency to buy votes. And they are hard to find because they are not in the budget package. They can be attached to anything the house or senate passes.  I note that only one of these senators is actually up for re-election next year. That's Mr. Lugar of Indiana.

There are also 7 Democratic senators that voted for the moratorium. They are:
  1. Evan Bayh (IN)
  2. Michael Bennet (WI)
  3. Russ Feingold (WI)
  4. Clair McCaskill (MO)
  5. Bill Nelson (CO)
  6. Mark Udall (CO)
  7. Mark Warner (VA)
Which just goes to show that doing the right thing isn't necessarily being done by just the right wing.

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