What follows is a not so cleverly worded letter describing the primary reasons the RNC aren't likely to get any donations from me. I mailed this letter in response to a request from "Laura Bush" to donate after thanking me for my "unwavering support" of Pres. Bush. Heh.
Date: 12/17/2008
To: Republican National Committee
310 First Street SE
PO Box 98206
Washington DC 20077-7561
Subject: Continued Support of the RNC
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the kind letter dated November 28th which thanked me for my “unwavering support” of President Bush and his policies during the last eight years and requesting an additional donation to the Republican National Committee coffers.
Regretfully, I do NOT support President Bush on a wide range of issues. Most certainly my support cannot be categorized as “unwavering”. While I appreciate and am thankful for President Bush’s efforts and policies with regards to the defense of the homeland and tracking down Islamic fundamentalist terrorists wherever they can be found, very little else about his policies find a sympathetic ear from me.
In 2004, President Bush presided over the single largest expansion of the Medicare/Medicaid system when they pushed through the prescription drug benefit program. This was a benefit that was written primarily by pharmaceutical companies for the benefit of the pharmaceutical companies.
Under President Bush, although a commitment to control the southern border of this nation has been made we have less than 100 miles of electronic or physical barriers to illegal entry into our nation. We have anywhere from 12 to 20 million persons living in this country whom we no nothing about. These illegal immigrants perpetrate much of the crime in my home state of Arizona. Of the last eight peace officers lost in the line of duty in Maricopa county, six were slain by illegal immigrants who were either suspects of a crime or in the act of committing a crime.
Connected to the situation above, both President Bush and John McCain supported the 2006 Immigration Reform bill. This bill’s intention was quite clear. Provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants while hundreds of thousands of other immigrants who have been patiently working towards naturalized citizen status continue to wait, wait, wait. I have a Canadian friend who has been working towards U.S. citizenship for over 8 years. He is highly skilled, college educated with a good paying job in this country. Need I tell you how he feels about the millions of illegal immigrants who have “jumped the line”?
While “No Child Left Behind” was a great concept, the President failed to produce the necessary pressure to properly fund it and in my opinion this program has failed miserably in meeting it’s projected goals.
To this date the general public has not been given a satisfactory answer concerning the massive intelligence failure that lead the United States and the “Coalition of the Willing” to invade Iraq, a sovereign nation. As you are doubtless aware, almost none of the evidence presented by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell to both the United Nations and the American people has been uncovered after more than five years of occupation by Coalition forces in Iraq. As a brief list to remind you; No mobile chemical weapon development labs, no evidence of nuclear weapons development after 1991, no large stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons and no real evidence of Al Qaeda links to Iraq prior to the invasion. While I am not at all unhappy about the liberation of the Iraqi people from under the heavy-handed tyranny of the Ba’athist Party and the removal of Saddam Hussein from the Iraqi government, I am most unhappy that the those who provided clearly incorrect (dare I say falsified?) intelligence that prompted us to go to war have never been publicly sanctioned or otherwise prosecuted.
It is my belief that because of the focus on Iraq that we have lost critical progress in the Afghanistan theater. I further believe that the invasion of Iraq, now that the pre-war intelligence has been proven mostly false, squandered much of the good will that the world felt towards the United States in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th calamity.
United States unilateral attacks against targets of opportunity in Pakistan are further undermining our position in the world’s eyes. The United States must work with the Pakistani government, which up until now has been moderate towards us. These attacks are killing as many civilians as they are terrorist leaders are building resentment which threatens to push Pakistan completely against us.
While the mortgage lending crisis has been building for many years and whose genesis exists in the Clinton administration, the President as well as the Republican Congressional leadership failed to properly expose the danger to our general economy. I will give John McCain and Mitch McConnel credit for trying to expose Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but they didn’t do nearly enough. The “ebullient exuberance” of unrealistic property values, risky lending practices to those who could not be reasonably expected to repay their loans has generated the greatest financial crisis this nation has faced since the 1930s.
Under President Bush, the Federal Government has become bloated. Under his leadership at the helm of the Ship of State, the Republicans lost their way. Even if one accounts for the necessary increase in expenditure for Homeland Defense and the wars we are fighting abroad, government bureaucracy is larger today than ever. The deficit, even prior to the financial market collapse in 2008, was exploding. The Republicans have completely lost their credibility with regards to fiscal and financial discipline. For this reason, more than any other, I cannot in good conscience continue to donate to the RNC until fundamental changes are made to the basic platform that once distinguished the GOP from the leftist Democratic party. I doubt that this letter will ever be read or a response made to it, but please understand that until the Republican Party once against stands for smaller Federal government, less regulation and interference in the lives of individual citizens, I will not support the RNC in any other manner than occasionally donating to the election campaign of a candidate that opposes a leftist.
Respectfully and with much regret,
Egg-citing breakfast
1 day ago
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