As most of you who know me are aware, I'm something of a political junkie. I listen to vast right-wing conspiracy radio during the day while I'm working. I watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and Headline News more than I watch "entertainment" TV.
A couple of days ago, my passion boiled over concerning the news that the Fed printed ONE TRILLION dollars, and that they were going to print ANOTHER TRILLION DOLLARS this week. This is in addition to TARP, TARF I, TARF II and ARAR (all of these acronyms are for the various stimulus packages implemented by the U.S. Congress in the last seven months). AND that is in addition to the 3.6 TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGET presented to Congress by President Barack Obama.
So I sent a letter to my two U.S. Senators (the honorable John McCain and the honorable John Kyle) and my U.S. Representative (the honorable John Shadegg). It is not particularly eloquent but it did express my concerns adequately.
To the Honorable [fill in the blank], I am against the United States printing more money without a corresponding increase in real wealth either in terms of our gross domestic product or in terms of our holdings in our national treasury. You must understand that with every extra dollar put into circulation, my current savings and holdings become worth less.
I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it any more.
I am against the 3.6 trillion dollar budget for 2009 presented to Congress by President Obama without major modifications. The "wish list" spending must be removed. Our congress and our president must be made to understand that there is simply no money in our treasury for these programs and that we, from the meanest common citizen to the largest government programs must all go on a fiscal diet. We must all learn to survive with less.
I am also against any further "stimulus spending". I believe in regulated capitalism. That means that if irresponsible companies find themselves in trouble we let them fail. This means that if a company is "too big to fail" then we should immediately break it up before it fails. I respect your positions generally.
Please hear my plea. We are spending ourselves into a depression that will take a decade to recover from and will burden our progeny for generations.
Respectfully, Glen H. Van Steeter
I didn't expect a response. Well, I was wrong. I didn't get an email, or a letter. I got a bona-fide phone call from Jim Swift, an economic advisor and researcher from Senator John Kyle's office. I was on the phone with him for almost 40 minutes!
I won't go into whether they agreed with me or not. My point is this: For your voice to be heard, you must first speak up! I have been sending letters, emails and making calls to my elected representatives for years. I generally get a nice response in the form of a letter or email saying "Thanks, we got your letter. Have a nice day." Nonetheless, I believe that if you keep trying, it will be heard.
Mr. Swift did point out a couple of things that caused them to respond to my letter. First, it was not a chain letter or a petition. I wrote the letter. I also signed the letter. I was NOT disrespectful but I concisely voiced my concern and what I expected Mr. Kyle to do about it.
George Washington had 110 "Rules of Civility". These rules were his guidelines for behavior that allowed him to govern an army and deal with a Continental Congress that were both frequently at great odds with him on many points. These rules made it possible for Mr. Washington to disagree vigorously with his subordinates and superiors while still allowing them and himself to maintain their dignity and face.
35. Let your discourse with men of business be short and comprehensive.
39. In writing or speaking, give to every person his due title according to his degree and the custom of the place.
49. Use no reproachful language against any one; neither curse nor revile.
So don't give up! Remember that there are 435 representative and 100 senators but there are over three-hundred million of us. They can't possibly respond to every email or letter or phone call. But be polite, state your business and be respectful and you just might get your 40 minute phone call too.
Egg-citing breakfast
1 day ago
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