Governor Sarah Palin announced on July 3 that she will step down as Alaska's governor. She claimed she wanted to spare her family from continuing media-spawned attacks on her and her family's character as well as her state from more "pain and expense"as ongoing ethics investigations continue to shadow her administration.
The "chatting classes" speculated all weekend on what this might mean. Is this her opening gambit for a 2012 Presidential election run? Is she seeking to hide from an FBI investigation?
Well, for me, it simply means that she is a quitter. I say this very sadly because I thought she was the only true conservative voice in the McCain campaign. But politics in America is pain. Politicians and regrettably, their families are targets of malicious lies and super focused scrutiny that practically no household could endure. She knew this when she was Mayor of Wasilla, and she knew it when she took the Governor's Oath of Office.
When she accepted the nomination and later the actual vote of the people of Alaska she made a contract with them that she would see this through. She has now welched on that contract.
I cannot in good conscience vote for a candidate who has proven that they will not see it through to the bitter end. George Bush, for all of his perceived faults, stuck to his principles right to the last day of his administration.
Good bye, Sarah Palin. Don't count on my vote in 2012.
Egg-citing breakfast
1 day ago
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