www.dailymail.co.uk reports that as many as "a million" may have attended the 9/12 protest march. I'm pretty sure I'm skeptical of that number.
Michelle Malkin seems to think that it could be as high as two million. I'm even more skeptical.
Let's assume that the liberals are right and only tens of thousands showed up (30 to 60 thousand people). That's still nearly unheard of when you consider that the conservative elements of our society almost never turn out for "protest" marches. I'm sure that even at the low number of 30,000, that many of the left wing organizations are thinking "Holy Cow! We've got problems if the "silent" majority is starting to become activitsts."
What is far more illuminating, and far more hypocritical, is the attempt of the left wing to portray this "9/12" movement, or "tea party" movement as "astro-turf" and highly organized and further that the people in these tea party rallies are "crazy" or "lunatic".
How come when several hundred-thousand people march on Washington to grant amnesty to illegal resident aliens in this country, those people are NOT lunatics, or that the movement was genuine grass-roots with no organization at all. Are you really trying to sell me on the idea that ACORN or La Raza or any other leftist organizations had NO ROLE whatsoever in drumming up support for that rally? Really? Are you telling me that Code Pink never encouraged their membership to attend rallies? How about SEIU? How about Nation of Islam?
Come on, let's all grow up here. Sure, FreedomWorks, MoveAmericaForward, Glenn Beck's 9/12 project and many others encouraged their subscribers to show up. But to tell me that the LEFT NEVER ORGANIZES is just another bald faced lie that they try to propound.
Instead, what is happening is that the "conservative" element of our national culture is scared witless at the massive and sweeping changes that have already occurred or are being seriously debated in Congress right now. 83% of Americans are happy with their healthcare plans and are very scared that the proposals currently being debated will either limit their choices or will cost more money for the same choices now.
Let's just stop the name calling. If leftist organizations want to organize and march on Washington, let them. It's their right. If rightist organizations want to organize, let them. It's their right.
Egg-citing breakfast
1 day ago
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