I've been silent recently on this blog, although only a few would take notice of it. I had a very busy weekend, spending a lot of time with the boys of my DeMolay chapter. When I woke up on Sunday I saw that Speaker Pelosi had managed to ram through the "health care reform" bill, all 2,000+ pages of it.
Right now, I'm thinking of two things about this bill.
First, the bill as currently written includes language provided by Representative Bart Stupak, specifically prohibits the usage of any government funds for human-fetus abortions. From www.thehill.com, the following synopsis is provided:
"Stupak’s language not only prohibits abortion coverage in the public insurance option included in the House bill. It would also prevent private plans from offering coverage for abortion services if they accept people who are receiving government subsidies.
Allowing the vote represented a major concession by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to Stupak and other pro-life Democrats who had threatened to oppose the bill. But it came at the cost of angering liberals in the Democratic conference.
Abortion-rights supporters called it a “de facto” abortion ban and mounted an intense but unsuccessful lobbying campaign against it."
This amendment to the bill was the primary reason why some moderate Republicans and "dozens" of centrist Democrats were able to reverse their position and vote for it.
Now that it has passed, there is already movement to remove this language. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the Democrats’ chief deputy whip in the House, stated on MSNBC that she and other pro-abortion (often called "pro-choice") forces would work to remove this language from the bill while the bill was under reconciliation. She stated that she "was confident" that this prohibition will not be present in the final version of the bill.
So now that the liberals have largely succeeded in removing any kind of morality from government and our public schools, they now want those of us who consider abortion to be an immoral act to help fund abortions, regardless of the reason for performing that abortion.
Wasserman Shultz stated that the language essentially created a ban on abortion. Really? Really? No -- it simply states that Federal money (that would be taxpayer money) cannot be used to pay for abortions. Anybody that wants an abortion would have to pony up the money themselves, but there is no ban.
This might be an item that I make my stand on as far as my taxes are concerned. Meaning that if my tax monies might be used to pay for abortions that are performed for reasons other than rape, incest or danger to the mother's life then I will not pay my full share of taxes. How can my government make me subsidize an act I consider immoral?
Joseph Liebermen, independent Senator from Connecticut, stated on Fox News Sunday that any government option in the health care reform bill would cause the Federal debt to climb from twelve trillion dollars today to twenty trillion by 2020! It is unlikely that the U.S. government could ever recover from that much debt without printing literally multiple trillions of paper dollars to "monetize" that debt. In so doing, they would cause the value of the dollar to drop so low that no sane nation would continue to hold dollars as a "reserve" currency. This would cause a flood of dollars on the market as countries divest themselves of their dollar holdings. And just like anything else in a market, if you have a surplus of something with correspondingly low demand, the value drops like a stone in a gravity-well. This would cause the dollar to become literally worthless. You think cars are expensive today? Well, imagine how you are going to feel when you go to the grocery store and pay thirty-five thousand dollars for a loaf of bread or a half-gallon of milk.
You don't think that can happen? If you don't then you are not a student of history. Look at what happened to the German Deutschemark in the interwar period ("Weimar Republic") and then think again. It can and will if we allow our Federal government to sell us all into foreign servitude by spending money we do not have.
So, if representatives like Wasserman Schulze and Pelosi have their own way, we will not have only bankrupted our treasury but we will have also bankrupted our souls. And we will be paying for this unconscionable and profligate spending for generations to come.
I shudder to think what our grandchildren will say about this moment in American history. I don't think it will be kind.
Egg-citing breakfast
1 day ago
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