NewsBusters reports that when prompted by Katie Couric during an interview, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg speculated that the person responsible for the failed car bomb in Times Square was "somebody with a political agenda who doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.” Yup, Mayor Michael thinks it might be one of those "tea party" people, you know, an angry WHITE guy. I can only imagine how disappointed President Obama was to find out that in fact, the guy is actually a naturalized American citizen of Pakistani decent. Sorry Mister President, you won't be able to blame this one on those angry gun-toting white males.
Of course, Arizona's new illegal immigration enforcement laws are whipping up angst all over the United States. The day of the bill's signing, pro-illegal-immigration supporters were throwing water bottles and other objects at Phoenix police. Looters have damaged stores in several cities during these protest marches during the May day weekend. Yet the press is characterizing them as "unfairly repressed", yet when tens of thousands of tea party people march on Washington DC and other U.S. cities, even though no crimes were reported, they are characterized as full of "hateful, racist and bigoted" people.
Speaking of Arizona's new law, I've read it in it's entirely and there is absolutely no provision for a police officer to lawfully stop somebody and ask them for their papers. Period. These new laws may only be acted upon in a situation where a person has already been legally detained for other reasons (traffic stop). The only possible cause for concern is that it makes the hiring of day laborers from the road side illegal, which in my opinion is good law.
Speaking of peaceful assemblies, several thousand American citizens had a rally in Arlington, Virginia where each and every one of them was wearing or carrying a firearm. I can't speak as to whether any of them actually had any bullets in them, although even an unloaded firearm can really smart when you use it to butt-stroke some idiot. But while the press was lamenting the implied threat of these citizens who were, in fact, doing nothing more than exercise their 2nd Amendment right, I note that nobody was shot or killed or even just injured by some kind of firearm discharge. What?! How can that be? Guns KILL people right? I guess this shows what the NRA people have been talking about for a long time. People kill people, and these people decided to be lawful citizens on that particular day.
So, just so I can call it right out where people can either praise or pillory me for it.
Large group of white people assemble to protest Obamacare, or lack of illegal-immigration law enforcement, or to lawfully assemble with their firearms, is a bunch of racist, bigoted, bible clinging members of hate groups just brimming with hate and ready to explode into seditious violence.
But large groups of non-white people who clearly support illegal-immigration, who break store windows and throw objects at the police, who threaten reporters, slap them and then tell the police that THEY have been assaulted (look it up on the net, it actually happened just this weekend), they're just "unfairly repressed" people.
And the main-stream media talking heads actually have the temerity to look me in the face and wonder why Fox News is kicking the living crap out of all the other news sources?
Egg-citing breakfast
1 day ago
"hateful, racist and bigoted"
So, Bigoted because we believe in and want to uphold the law, Racist because all the people breaking the law are from another country, and Hateful because we want to use our freedom of speech to uphold the law?
And you know what they say, Guns don't kill people, Men with mustaches kill people! lol!
Interesting... the dictionary definition of Bigot is:
one obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his own opinions and prejudices.
I AM obstinately devoted to my opinion that everyone should obey the laws of the land.
(In D&D terms I would be Lawful Good.)
Does that make me a bigot?
Hi roster007. I want it made very clear that the last statements were very sarcastic in nature. What really has irritated me about the whole nature of reporting on the fallout of Arizona SB1070:
1) Most of the MSM have misrepresented the actual law, which mirrors federal law and simply enables competent Arizona authority to enforce federal immigration law.
2) MSM characterizes peaceful gatherings of "tea partiers" as a bunch of white people who are "seditious" while angry crowds of latinos throwing bottles at cops are "unfairly repressed".
With regards to your obstinate devotion to the opinion that everyone should be lawful, how dare you!? That is so unAmerican! :p
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